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Sacred SeXy F​low A Transformational Movement Journey with Renee Guay and Emily Weer

  • Alpenflow | Yoga and Movement Lab 10775 Pioneer Trail, 105B Truckee, California, 96161 USA (map)

Sacred SeXy F​low

A Transformational Movement Journey to Awaken your Spiritual, Sexual & Creative Energies to Manifest your Dreams!


Sexuality is the physical expression of your soul's essence. In this fun and inspiring movement journey, we will awaken our primal sexual energy and channel it in a healthy way to release our traumas and manifest our dreams. We'll start with kundalini breathwork and meditation to receive a deeper understanding of our relationship with sexuality. Sexy ground movement will begin to awaken our shakti energy as we slowly transition to the higher realms. This experience is designed to activate the elements of nature within, balance our masculine & feminine energies and align the chakras to unleash your divine sexual power to be liberated, unapologetically authentic, RAW and Fully Expressed! This is an opportunity to love yourself fully, connect deeper with others, transmute pain into pleasure, explore your creativity, tap into your passions & purpose, honor your body as sacred and enjoy your sexuality through dance!

You can be seXy & spiritual. Sexual energy is the most powerful energy we have, yet we carry so much guilt and shame around it. This primal energy is what gives birth to life on earth, our creative projects, and our drive to live our passions & purpose. Since energy cannot be destroyed, it ends up going into the shadow of our being when we try to shut it down or use it in a way that’s harmful to ourselves or others. It’s time to reclaim our sexual energy and channel it in a healthy, conscious way that feels authentic to us. Let’s take back our power as divine beings living in incredibly amazing bodies. You came to the planet at a very pivotal time to carry out a beautiful mission. Live a pleasurable life and shine your bootyful self in service to the world.

This transformational experience is intended to ignite your inner fire as we release stuck emotions and invigorate your radiant energy and inspire YOU to Focus Your Thoughts and Feelings on Creating Your Dream Life. It's time to break out of your limiting patterns of thinking & feeling, and step into your highest aligned self. YOU are welcome to come as you are and feel supported to SHINE expressing your wild nature, and be free in your body, mind and soul!

You are encouraged to wear whatever you wish! Be comfortable, dress up or down, get shiny or chill, be funky or sexy- this is an opportunity to feel your best


$30 Early Bird until November 21

$35 Presale

$40 Day of

Payment Options:

Write “Sacred SeXy Flow”

Venmo: @higher-flow


(must be friends & family)

Cash $

There are no refunds. We appreciate you supporting us as artists & healers. If you are unable to attend, please sell or give your ticket to someone else.


“What an incredible activation ceremony. Thank you Renee for a beautifully curated evening. The level of freedom, liberation and connection to source that I experienced was indescribable. So grateful for each and every person in this sacred space. The moments of connection, of holding one another with love, compassion and stillness was humbling and reminded me of what I have been deeply calling into my energetic field these past several weeks. Thank you so much! ”

“Your sexual energy is primal, beautiful and powerful. I am grateful for your gifts!! It really helped me to get out of my head, into my body and more connected to myself which connected me even more to my man. Keep shining your sexy goddess self!! You are beautiful ”

“Wow thank you for an amazing night Renee! That was soooo fun. People be thirsty for the real deal, and you are it! Exposure to beautiful souls like you who show us what’s possible through their embodiment and all the hard work they’ve done on themselves is so inspiring! Since last night, I’ve received some beautiful insight on myself and how I best show up in the world. Renee is an embodiment of pure goddess energy and through her transformational offerings, she playfully and sensually shows us into our own higher selves. Deep bow to the space you hold, sweet and powerful soul!!”

Facilitator Bios:

Renee Guay is the Founder of Higher Flow — A Transformational Lifestyle Brand that inspires and empowers you to connect to your Higher spiritual self and discover your own unique Flow in life! She is a Human Potential Development Coach, Temple Body Feminine Leader/Guide, Movement Medicine Facilitator, Performing Artist, and Visionary/Creator/Leader of conscious events, retreats, & residencies all over the world combining empowerment coaching, movement arts, spiritual healing, sacred sexuality and conscious entrepreneurship. Her mission is to provide you with the tools to manifest your own dream life by aligning with your inner passions and purpose while creating an abundant lifestyle that is full of radiant energy, profound happiness, vibrant health, and true freedom. Renee supports teachers, healers, artists, and soulpreneurs to reach their full potential physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, relationally, and in their business while having fun in the process and making a profound impact on others. By leading a life abundant in her own energetic potential, through mind, body and spirit, it is inevitable that she has the innate ability to inspire others to follow their own bliss and influence them to be the best version of themselves. She creates safe and sacred space with a kind essence of genuinely nurturing the aspect of ourselves that are strong, while holding space for thee areas that are ready to develop. If YOU are seeking someone who will LIGHT YOU UP, and Empower YOU to Shine Your Inner Flame, YOU have found your Loving Guide!

Emily Weer’s broad scope of education comes from 25+ years of experience in Healing Arts and therapy based work. She passionately offers Bodywork, Teaches Esalen® Massage, Yoga, Tantra, Sound Healing, is a Kirtan Musician, and carries several years of experience working in the Wilderness Therapy field. This wisdom weaves and dances in her classes which embrace heart opening and the primal sides of our true nature. Her powerful nature and caring shines through in her teachings and music which she generously offers from her wild and free heart. most simple essence of sound healing is about coming back to the elements of nature and experiencing the natural rhythm of our breath. With this intention, Emily incorporates natural sounds of water, wind, flutes, Tibetan Bowls, Crystal Chakra Bowls, Gongs, Handpan, Mystical Drums, Chimes, harmonium, voice, and various other etherial tones into her Sound journeys. Her vibrational medicine is an opportunity for those receiving to cleanse on many levels and clear out some of the overactivity in the mind and body. You may discover a calm space within that assists us in facing life challenges with more grace and ease while allowing the nervous system to heal. You can see what she is up to on her website

Looking forward to connecting & transforming together through this fun & healing experience!

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